all the way till the last 25min 还是不错的 sweetly unique and refreshing 不过当三角恋被revealed的一刻 我真的cliche的看不下去了~
是不是因为能更早看到太阳各国的人们似乎都喜欢聚集在东部而错过了西部梦想的情境随着太阳一起没落"go west young man"./怎样才是爱问题的本身最动听的事免费观看全集电视剧已经有了答案还没有
整体评价:四星半 “I wish that Vincent could have had some of these kind words, these good emotions, these hugs that I have received, because I believe that this could keep him going and keep him alive for more years and keep him dreaming and creating.” 一场因热爱而化不可能为可能的梦致敬